Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tae Kwon Do

The boys are really enjoying their tae kwon do classes. You should hear Matthew shout, "Yes sir!" in response to his teacher. You can see how he stands ramrod straight at attention! They are both learning lots of great stuff at their classes. I'm delighted that it's right here in the neighborhood. This year, we aren't having to leave Snoqualmie for any of their extra-curricular activities. Hooray for me!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Matthew is 6!

So Matthew decided he wanted a Transformers cake for his birthday party and a football cake for his family celebration after dinner. Since the boys at his party only ate half of his Transformer cake, I scraped the icing off the other half, trimmed off the edges and re-decorated it to look like a football.

I took him and five of his buddies to a bouncy place nearby, and they bounced to their hearts' content for an hour and a half before coming home for pizza and birthday cake. Two of the boys were wiped out after an hour of bouncing. One came to me and said, "Ms. Angel, this bouncing is hard work! I need a rest." LOL!

Here, Matthew is opening his Transformer from Aunt Ashley and Uncle Tommy.

Joshua did his own shopping for Matthew this year.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Piano Lessons

Both boys are taking piano lessons once a week and have a wonderful teacher! She has all kinds of fun music games set up for the boys to play. They have only had two lessons so far and have already learned so much! They come home excited to show me what they've learned and Matthew ropes all our guests in to hear a demonstration of his piano skills. You can hear him chanting, "Quarter, quarter, quarter, half-note!" :)

WSU Cougars

With the busy-ness of school starting, I haven't had time to update my blog. Thankfully, we finished school early today and I got all my planning done for next week (woo hoo!), so I have some free time to catch up....

Last Saturday, my friend Rachel got us all tickets to a WSU game. They were playing at Quest Field, home of the Seattle Seahawks. We all had a blast watching the game and being entertained by the college crowd around us. One guy wearing a University of Washington Huskies jersey strutted around in the stands and was booed and pelted with trash. He seemed to think it was funny. Another college guy persevered in trying to get the wave started. It was a hopeless endeavor though. We had lots of fun and we really enjoyed hanging out with Rachel and Cameron.